Saturday, April 07, 2018

Antarctica Marathon 2018

I was still on Ironman High at the end of 2014, and that is when some of the Team Zers convinced me to signup for Antarctica Marathon. For the record: I hate running, but it is more socially acceptable to run than to punch someone in the face! So I do it almost every day. I am over the NOVA Humidity and no snow winters, so of course I would go to my dreamland of snow! Flash forward to early 2015 when I found out I was pregnant. I had forgotten all about the marathon by then! I couldn't workout, doctor's order, so I became an expert in Couch Potato-ing (it is a thing, google it!). In February 2016, I got an email from Marathon Tours congratulating me and letting me know I was on the list to race in March 2016. I emailed them back, something like this:

" ... Would love to race, however the race day is 2 weeks before my due date! I am happy to come if my baby can get Antarctica citizenship by being born there!" 

So obviously, they opted out and left me to stay on list for 2018. Again, I forgot all about this, because once baby was born I lost all my identity. I became a zombie with no sleep, and was consumed by the new massive love in my life. I loved every moment with her. I kept telling everyone "I just had a baby! That is why I am overweight and can't workout!" 

Fast Forward, to 2017. I started working out slowly. Finally, I got the email saying I was on the list for 2018 and to confirm I had to make my first deposit. That evening, Bobby and I drank a bottle of Insignia, then Bobby looked me in the eye and said," Are you going to finish this marathon? I am in if you say you will finish!" I had a few glasses in me, so I said "HELL YES BABY!" ... The next day, I wasn't so sure, but money was deposited.

I enjoy running only when it is cold and snow is icing on the cake. So I started training in Fall of 2017. Bobby, is awesome in supporting me in my crazy missions. Nava and him cheered me on through the miserable training runs. 

Fast forward to the day I flew to BA, Argentina to meet everyone! That morning, I went to Jannie's Spin, and secretly wanted to say goodbye to her in case I never came back. Made videos for Nava and Bobby in case I don't make it through the Drake Passage (I know, a little too dramatic there!). 

I traveled with Jimmy and Dexter. On the plane, I met Ryan, he was a life saver with his sea sickness medication. I was mess at the landing in BA since we circled in the air for 45 minutes before we could land. Thank you Ryan!

BA was super fun with our group of 5 friends. We did everything together and that made it so much better. At the welcome dinner, we met so many others on our ship. We met Charlotte, who had done 200 marathons in 20 years! Paul and Colin, who over trained behind each others back and were injured at the same time. We met Nathan, who left his wife and 3 month old at home for the trip! I told him I would've stabbed him, if I were his wife and that she was an absolute angel for letting him leave her with a new born! 

Flight to Ushuaia was uneventful, I sat next to Han on the flight. Little did I know, he would become my motivation on that marathon! Ushuaia is GORGEOUS! I fell in love with that place almost instantly. Marcia, Jimmy and I hiked up to the Glaciar Martial. Such a beautiful day and view!

Once we had lunch, it was time to find Loffe and get on board!

Selfie, or it didn't happen!

At 6 PM, we had a briefing at the dining room of Loffe. I had a more important date though: My last Facetime with Nava before we go off the grid! Sorry Sinckers! I missed everything that was said that evening about the safety and Lifeboat drill! SOOOO ... I went ahead and took a shower. until I heard knocks on the door. Dexter told me to get out for the drill, My answer: "Dude, I am conditioning my hair!" Joking aside, I jumped out of the shower and was going to run on the deck with my towel on and my Sat phone. But the line was up to our room in the hallway. So I got dressed and headed out. Sorry to disappoint everyone by not showing up in a towel! hahah Anyway, we lost, because I was last to come out! But here is a proof that I finally showed up! 

We had Drake Lake experience on the way south. So I spent endless hours on the deck 6 and 7. The second night on the ship, we had rough waters. I couldn't sleep, neither could Dexter. We talked about shows and most random things you can think of. We were tip toeing around the obvious "What to pack for life boat?!" We all made it through, and at breakfast the next morning it became apparent that everyone was thinking about what to pack for the life boat as well! 

March 15

Sinckers voice through the speaker:

"Good Morning Everyone ..." We could see land and race course! We were like little kids excited walking around the deck and pointing out Pinguins! 

We had our first Excursion that morning. We watched a leopard seal kill a penguin. Well, everyone watched, but me. How cruel! 

I would rather post a photo of a live Penguin than a dead one!

We are so cute!

More selfies!

I don't look amused in that picture, do I?

Evening before the race, I was terrified. The whole day, as I watched everyone being super intense, I didn't think I could do it. I told myself, "show-up, do what you came here for. If you don't finish, no one cares other than you and you will get over it!" 

March 16: RACE DAY

Erica, Jimmy and I were the first people on the Zodiacs to head to race course. 

We were freezing!

Us and Pepper (With British accent. She was adopted by a family from UK. Long Story) My lucky Penguin. She ran the marathon with me in my pocket!

It started snowing as soon as the race started. Everything was completely white after a few minutes. And it made my day! It totally made our first loop that much better. Jimmy, ran with me on the first loop and thank heavens that he did. I was not optimistic at the start, but running with a friend changed my mind. 

I started off feeling great! I always hit a wall right between 6 and 8 miles. I know, if I push through, I can make it. Once it stopped snowing, the course got super icy. It was tricky on the rocks. I went too far to the right at some point, and CRACK, Ice broke under me and I went knee high in the mud with my right leg. I cursed so loudly, that I had to apologize to others after. It didn't even matter though! Either the toe warmers kept me warm, or just the run! 

Around mile 16, was when I hit another wall. I was walking and I met Han! He had the biggest smile on his face, even though he was in pain. We walked hills and shuffled the rest. It was his bright smile and enthusiasm that gave me strength! I was feeling great at mile 18, so I started jogging. And then I just kept jogging and then running! After I finished my 5th loop, I went to my bag and got my flag out of my bag. Wrapped it around my neck like a scarf. Smell from home, made me run faster. I sprinted the last 2.5 miles. I told Larry, I was done with China and its Great Wall! THANK YOU LARRY for being out there and cheering us on! I never felt that good towards the end of a long run, let alone a marathon. So I kept my sprint up and held my flag up high as I ran through the finish line. Marcia was there waiting for me! She put a medal around my neck and gave me the biggest hug ever! 

After finishing the race, in about 30 seconds I started freezing and shivering. I rushed to my bag put layers on and jumped on the first Zodiac I could find. Back on the ship, after a long hot shower, my fingers and toes were no longer purple! 

Bad Assery Club!

It took two washes to get all the mud out of that right foot shoe!

After the run, my real vacation started! Tons of Excursions and a hike on Antarctica Continent. So many great memories on Loffe. So many nights dancing and DJ'ing! I loved to DJ and watch people love the song choices. We hit very rough waters on the way back north. Below are some photos as the words cannot quite explain the magical beauty of that land!

Why did I agree to this!? 

Polar Plunge 0 Celsius

Get me out of here! haha

BBQ Party. Our only photo with Sinckers

Ice for our drinks. Yes, that is from an iceberg! 

March 20th was Norouz, and my new year. I asked Tessa if she could help me find some stuff for my Haft Seen. We had to go with Potato (Sib Zamini) instead of Senjed and Tray (Sini) instead of Samanoo! 

Jimmy was kind enough to give heads up to Sinckers to make an announcement at lunch! I was super tired that day from all the shakes in the storm. So I stayed in bed reading all day, except for lunch and new Year! I missed one big party that evening, even though Dexter came up twice to get me to go. 

We made it back to Ushuaian on March 23rd. We partied the last night on the ship.

 This trip will forever be one of my best memories of all the time. I am so thankful to have met and found so many new friends! 

Big thank you to Marathon Tours and One Ocean group to make everything happen and this trip 100% perfect!

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